German Society for
Popular Music Studies 

German Society for Popular Music Studies

Popular music rese­arch com­prises dif­fe­rent disci­pli­nary approa­ches
to the entire spec­trum of popular music and its cul­ture.
Since 1984, the inde­pen­dent German Society for Popular Music Stu­dies
has estab­lished the stron­gest net­work of mem­bers in the
German-spea­king world for this pur­pose. We publish our rese­arch pri­ma­rily
in the estab­lished series Bei­träge zur Popular­musik­forschung and
the online publi­ca­tions SAMPLES.


01 Sep­tember 2022 | The pro­gram of the 32nd Annual Con­fe­rence of the GFPM from October 20 — 22, 2022 as joint con­fe­rence with IASPM D‑A‑CH at mdw – Uni­ver­sity of Music and Per­forming Arts Vienna… [read more]
Early Career Events
06 March 2022 | On 22–23 July 2022, GFPM will host this year’s Early Career Work­shop at Cologne Uni­ver­sity of Music and Dance to sup­port you on your way in aca­demia. Whe­ther you are wri­ting a master’s thesis, a dis­ser­ta­tion, or other qua­li­fi­ca­tion work… [read more]
Early Career Events

31 January 2022 | As part of the Early Career Women* in Popular Music Rese­arch net­work, a spring school will be held from March 24–26, 2022 at Leu­phana Uni­ver­sity Lüne­burg. The spring school is addressed to… [read more]


Bene­fits of Membership

We offer num­e­rous ser­vices to our mem­bers in the GFPM net­work. In our news­letter we com­mu­ni­cate cur­rent announce­ments, job offers or calls for national and inter­na­tional con­fe­rences or publi­ca­tion pro­jects. We also inform regu­larly about new publi­ca­tions. Mem­bers of the GFPM receive the cur­rent issue of the Bei­träge zur Popularmusikforschung.

With their mem­ber­ship, our mem­bers not only enable this important net­wor­king, but also pro­vide our early-career rese­ar­chers with ver­sa­tile sup­port from the GFPM. This sup­port is an important pillar of our work and a fun­da­mental part of our mission.


Popular music rese­arch is dedi­cated to a wide field of sounds, cul­tural texts, arti­facts, con­texts and prac­tices. In order to ana­lyze, dis­cuss and com­mu­ni­cate these, our asso­cia­tion brings tog­e­ther a wide variety of metho­do­lo­gical and theo­re­tical approa­ches. Experts from the field meet scho­lars from num­e­rous disci­plines, from musi­co­logy and music edu­ca­tion to cul­tural stu­dies, sound stu­dies, lin­gu­i­stics, jour­na­lism, jour­na­lism, and music busi­ness research.

Inter­na­tional Perspective

For us, popular music rese­arch is deter­mined by inter­na­tional coope­ra­tion. German and Eng­lish are our publi­ca­tion and con­fe­rence lan­guages. We are con­nected to rese­arch orga­niza­tions world­wide and invite inter­na­tional spea­kers to pro­mote exch­ange and joint pro­gress in the study of popular music.

Inde­pen­dence and commitment

As a non-profit asso­cia­tion, we are finan­ci­ally, sub­stan­tively and poli­ti­cally inde­pen­dent. We are com­mitted to a cul­tural-poli­tical streng­thening of the study of popular music, which opposes racist, sexist, chau­vi­nist and natio­na­list tendencies.


Pro­mo­tion and support

The sup­port of scho­lars in the early career phase is anchored in our sta­tutes and is prac­ticed in a variety of ways: Every year, we award the Early Career Best Paper Award in the field of popular music rese­arch. During the some­times dif­fi­cult start of an aca­demic career, we offer finan­cial sup­port for travel and publi­ca­tions from a sup­port fund. We orga­nize work­shops and inter­na­tional post gra­duate summer schools. For many young rese­ar­chers, our publi­ca­tion series offer a first publi­ca­tion opportunity.

Net­work and Sci­ence Hub

Through its trans­di­sci­pli­nary net­work, the GFPM offers an access point to various national and inter­na­tional experts, whom we are happy to refer to jour­na­lists, for expert opi­nions, legal exper­tise, cul­tural policy work or rese­arch assign­ments. Cur­rent results from popular music rese­arch are docu­mented and actively com­mu­ni­cated by the GFPM.

Contact US

Gesell­schaft für Popular­musik­forschung / German Society for Popular Music Stu­dies e. V.

c/o Peter Klose
Hochstr. 18
44149 Dort­mund

Tel.: +49 (0)231 140348