German Society for
Popular Music Studies
German Society for Popular Music Studies
to the entire spectrum of popular music and its culture.
Since 1984, the independent German Society for Popular Music Studies
has established the strongest network of members in the
German-speaking world for this purpose. We publish our research primarily
in the established series Beiträge zur Popularmusikforschung and
the online publications SAMPLES.
Early Career Events
Early Career Events
31 January 2022 | As part of the Early Career Women* in Popular Music Research network, a spring school will be held from March 24–26, 2022 at Leuphana University Lüneburg. The spring school is addressed to… [read more]

Benefits of Membership
We offer numerous services to our members in the GFPM network. In our newsletter we communicate current announcements, job offers or calls for national and international conferences or publication projects. We also inform regularly about new publications. Members of the GFPM receive the current issue of the Beiträge zur Popularmusikforschung.
With their membership, our members not only enable this important networking, but also provide our early-career researchers with versatile support from the GFPM. This support is an important pillar of our work and a fundamental part of our mission.

Popular music research is dedicated to a wide field of sounds, cultural texts, artifacts, contexts and practices. In order to analyze, discuss and communicate these, our association brings together a wide variety of methodological and theoretical approaches. Experts from the field meet scholars from numerous disciplines, from musicology and music education to cultural studies, sound studies, linguistics, journalism, journalism, and music business research.

International Perspective
For us, popular music research is determined by international cooperation. German and English are our publication and conference languages. We are connected to research organizations worldwide and invite international speakers to promote exchange and joint progress in the study of popular music.

Independence and commitment
As a non-profit association, we are financially, substantively and politically independent. We are committed to a cultural-political strengthening of the study of popular music, which opposes racist, sexist, chauvinist and nationalist tendencies.
Promotion and support
The support of scholars in the early career phase is anchored in our statutes and is practiced in a variety of ways: Every year, we award the Early Career Best Paper Award in the field of popular music research. During the sometimes difficult start of an academic career, we offer financial support for travel and publications from a support fund. We organize workshops and international post graduate summer schools. For many young researchers, our publication series offer a first publication opportunity.
Network and Science Hub
Through its transdisciplinary network, the GFPM offers an access point to various national and international experts, whom we are happy to refer to journalists, for expert opinions, legal expertise, cultural policy work or research assignments. Current results from popular music research are documented and actively communicated by the GFPM.
Contact US
Gesellschaft für Popularmusikforschung / German Society for Popular Music Studies e. V.
c/o Peter Klose
Hochstr. 18
44149 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 (0)231 140348