Spring School 2022 – Early Career Women* in Popular Music Research

31 January 2022 | As part of the Early Career Women* in Popular Music Rese­arch net­work, a spring school will be held from March 24–26, 2022 at Leu­phana Uni­ver­sity Lüne­burg. The spring school is addressed to women* who are working on aspects of popular music (cul­tures) from various disci­pli­nary per­spec­tives and who are in the early phase of their aca­demic career. The event offers expert input, inter­ac­tive work­shops, and space for exch­ange and net­wor­king on the topics of career plan­ning, fun­ding, and mental health.

The spring school will be held in German. Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free of charge, but the number of par­ti­ci­pants is limited. All those who are inte­rested can apply for the spring school until 15.02.2022. All infor­ma­tion (in German) about the appli­ca­tion pro­cess and the preli­mi­nary pro­gram can be found at: